
160 results within

Education Review Office | Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Website: Education Review Office


Phone: 04 499 2489

The Quality of Teaching in Kura Māori

This report presents the findings from an Education Review Office (ERO) evaluation of the quality of teaching in kura Māori. The Ministry of Education asked ERO…

Partners in Learning: Good Practice

Research evidence shows that effective partnerships between schools and parents, whānau and communities can result in better outcomes for students. The better the relationship and engagement,…

Partners in Learning: Parents' Voices

ERO is interested in what happens in the classroom and also in how parents and the community can help in the education of school students. We…

An Evaluation of the Resource Teachers: Māori Service

ERO undertook this evaluation of the Resource Teachers: Māori (RTM) service following a request from the Ministry of Education for information to inform future policy decisions.…

Health Camp Schools

This report is based on the findings of ERO’s most recent education reviews of the six health camp schools in New Zealand. The findings are intended…

Boys' Education: Good Practice in Secondary Schools

Several indicators, including international studies, NCEA data and the difference in school leaving qualifications for boys and girls recognise an ongoing achievement gap between boys and…