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317 results in multiple government agencies

Settlement Outcomes Migrant Partners NZ

Analysis of LisNZ data to date has primarily explored skilled principal migrants and their settlement and labour market outcomes. However, the settlement of family members and…

New home buyers report

This report presents the main findings of a survey carried out for MBIE by Research New Zealand on 754 purchasers of new homes during 2011-12. The…

The labour market and settlement outcomes of migrant partners in New Zealand

Analysis of LisNZ data to date has primarily explored skilled principal migrants and their settlement and labour market outcomes. However, the settlement of family members and…

Employers’ Role and Influence in Migration: A literature review

This report provides an overview of the literature and research on the employer’s role and influence in the employment of migrant workers (including refugees and asylum…

High-growth business in New Zealand

This research seeks to inform and stimulate discussion on high-growth business in New Zealand. It involved, firstly, reviewing published research and, secondly, examining the dynamics of…

Housing pressures in Christchurch: A summary of the evidence March 2013

Recent earthquakes in the greater Christchurch area have raised concerns about housing availability for people resident in the area. This report from the Ministry of Business,…

Short-term Employment Prospects

The below reports provide employment prospects forecasts for 2012-15 and 2013-2016. The Ministry uses a short-term forecasting model that draws on the latest macroeconomic forecasts by…

Who Left, Who Returned and Who Was Still Away? Migration patterns of 2003 graduates, 2004-2010

This report presents new research on the extent that domestic graduates from tertiary education institutes (TEIs) leave, and then return to, New Zealand. It examines the…

A Risk Framework for Earthquake Prone Building Policy

The New Zealand Department of Building and Housing (DBH – now the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, or MBIE) is carrying out a review of…

The Costs of Involuntary Job Loss: Impacts on workers' employment and earnings

This paper examines the incidence of involuntary job loss and its impact on the employment and earnings of affected workers, using data from the Survey of…