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317 results in multiple government agencies

The future of work within households: Understanding household-level changes in the distribution of hours of paid work

In New Zealand, the weekly paid hours worked by individuals have generally not been considered in the context of hours of paid work of other adults…

Aspirations of rurally disadvantaged Maori youth for their transition from secondary school to further education or training and work

“He tini whetu ki te rangi, ko Ngati Maru ki raro He tini ika ki te moana, ko Ngati Maru ki uta”                                                                                                           .(Ngati Maru pepeha)…

Combining Work and Eldercare: a study of employees in two City Councils who provide informal care for older people

The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between paid work and eldercare responsibilities. It is intended to produce benefits to the participants,…

The Impact of Employment Experiences and Benefit-Spell Duration on Benefit-to-Work Transitions

This paper uses an experimental dataset under development at Statistics New Zealand, the Linked Employer-Employee Database (LEED), to examine labour market outcomes for individuals previously receiving…

NZ Accommodation Providers & ICT: Impacts on Labour Use & Demand

Domestic and international tourism in New Zealand has grown significantly in the past decade and shows every sign of continuing to do so. A vital component…

Understanding reductions in the gender wage differential 1997-2003

The female-to-male hourly earnings gap in New Zealand narrowed by 4 percentage points between 1997 and 2003. The objective of this paper is to throw light…

Demand-side factors in adult foundation learning programmes: A review of international literature

This paper reviews international literature that has examined the demand-side barriers to the provision and take-up of adult foundation learning programmes. It focuses on factors that…

Refugee Voices: A journey towards resettlement

Refugee Voices reports the findings of a Department of Labour (DoL) research project that inquired into the resettlement experiences of refugees in New Zealand. The information…

Isolating the Scarring Effects Associated with the Economic inactivity of Youth in New Zealand: Evidence from the Christchurch Health and Development Study

This study estimates the potential scarring effects associated with early economic inactivity of young people in New Zealand. We initially define ‘economic inactivity’ as occurring when…

Migrants' Experiences of New Zealand

This report presents findings from the pilot of the Longitudinal Immigration Survey: New Zealand (LisNZ). It is the first in a series of reports from this…