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190 results in multiple government agencies

Successful transitions from early intervention to school-age special education services: Literature review

When children transition from early intervention to school-age specialist services, Ministry of Education (Ministry) staff play a critical role in ensuring an effective transition—both across services…

e-Learning in science reports

This series e-Learning in science reports is part of a wider project  'Science in the New Zealand Curriculum'. This series is written for the Ministry Education by The New Zealand Council…

Evaluation of the investment by Te Puni Kōkiri in the Māori Wardens Project 2007 - 2010

In 2011 Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned an evaluation on: how well the Te Puni Kōkiri investment strengthened the capacity and capability of Māori Wardens; and how…

Reflecting on purposes for learning science science

This report is one in a series written for the Ministry of Education in the Curriculum support for science strand of a wider project called Science…

Strengthening engagements between schools and the science community

This research aimed to generate evidence-based recommendations for strengthening partnerships between schools and the science community to support students’ science learning and engagement.  It was underpinned…

NCEA one decade on | Views and experiences from the 2012 NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools

This report documents views and experiences of NCEA from NZCER's 2012 National Survey of Secondary Schools. Responses from teachers (1266) and principals (177) predominate, but the…

Building a future-oriented science education system in New Zealand: How are we doing?

This paper makes the case for deep and radical change to New Zealand's approach to science education. It discusses the implications of recent science education research…

Secondary schools in 2012

This report contains the main findings from NZCER's 2012 national survey of secondary schools. The survey draws on responses from more than half the country’s secondary…

What can Pākehā learn from engaging in kaupapa Māori educational research?

This recent working paper focuses on how Pākehā have become involved in Māori-determined and controlled educational research, and what issues inhibit and facilitate their work. You…

Tracking Whānau Ora Outcomes July – December 2013

The Tracking Whānau Ora Outcomes July – December 2013 report reviews results from action research and Whānau Ora Provider Collective reports from June – December 2013.…