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35 results within

Department of Corrections | Ara Poutama Aotearoa

Website: Department of Corrections


Phone: 04 460 3000

Delivering Social Services Every Day

Social services are working more and more collaboratively to deliver services to New Zealanders. This occurs throughout the sector, from frontline NGOs delivering services on behalf…

Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal - Volume 2 Issue 1: April 2014

Volume 2 Issue 1 of Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal includes: Editorial - Liz Morgan How Corrections measures progress towards its 25 percent reducing re-offending target…

Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal - Volume 1 Issue 2: November 2013 - Youth

Issue two of Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal focuses on youth offending and includes: Editorial - David Wales Early development and youth offending: Practical implications for…

Formative Evaluation of the Mothers with Babies Units

This is the final report of a three-phased formative evaluation of the Mothers with Babies (MWB) units, undertaken for the Department of Corrections (the Department) from…

Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal - Volume 1 Issue 1: May 2013

Issue one of Practice: The New Zealand Corrections Journal includes: Editorial - Ray Smith An evidence-base for reducing re-offending - Dr Carolina C. Lukkien and Dr…

Offender Population Report

The Offender Population Report (formerly known as the Offender Volumes Report) presents information about the offender population managed by the Department and helps Corrections plan and develop…

What Works for Maori

The purpose of this review was to study evidence from five major domains of endeavour to identify a common set of interventions, initiatives, approaches and practices…

Community Sentence Patterns in New Zealand

Community Sentence Patterns in New Zealand (published April 2012) investigates the reasons why there are relatively high volumes of offenders on community sentences in New Zealand…

Prisoner double-bunking: Perceptions and impacts (2012)

Throughout the last decade the Department of Corrections was faced with the need to accommodate significant increases in the number of prisoners, and to do so…

Community Based Domestic Violence 2012

This literature and research review looked at the status of domestic violence interventions in Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, United States and New Zealand (2012).