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741 results in multiple government agencies

2013 Survey of Income, Expenditure and Fees of Early Childhood Education Providers

This report presents results from the 2013 Survey of Income, Expenditure and Fees (SIEF) at ECE Services. This survey collected information on the costs, income, assets…

Evaluation of the Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy

This report outlines findings from an evaluation of the first year of a pilot initiative called the Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy (hereafter MDTA). The Manaiakalani Education…

Innovations in Partnership Schools Kura Hourua

Partnership Schools | Kura Hourua (PSKH) are a new kind of school/kura outside the state system. The sponsors of PSKH are accountable to the Crown for…

New Zealand Schools: Ngā Kura o Aotearoa

New Zealand Schools: Ngā Kura o Aotearoa, also known as the Schools Sector Report, is the annual report of the Minister of Education on the compulsory…

Insights for Teachers: How teachers and principals of Year 7-10 students use their time

This is the second 'Insights for Teachers' focusing on TALIS. In this 'Insights for Teachers' we report on the activities of New Zealand teachers and principals,…

2014 Annual Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ Programme

This report is the second annual evaluation report for the Teach First NZ pilot programme. The first report focused on the programme’s first year, Cohort 13.…

Profile & Trends 2014: New Zealand's Tertiary Education Research [Part 2 of 5]

New Zealand's Tertiary Education Research is one of six reports to be published this year, replacing Profile & Trends: New Zealand's Tertiary Education Sector. The new…

Attendance and Absence in New Zealand Schools

These reports document the surveys of state and state integrated schools designed to capture student attendance and absence over one week.

Monitoring the Youth Guarantee policy 2013

The Youth Guarantee policy provides opportunities to support 16- and 17-year-olds to achieve education success, and progress into further education, training and employment. It supports schools,…

A Positive Culture of Support: PB4L School-Wide Final Evaluation Report

School-Wide in New Zealand: Main evaluation findings This report summarises the findings from the final phase of an evaluation of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) School-Wide.…