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741 results in multiple government agencies

Special Education 2000: Evaluation and monitoring

In October 1998, a team from Massey University was contracted by the Ministry of Education to provide independent evaluation and monitoring of Special Education 2000 (SE2000)…

Picking up the Pace

This research project delivered concentrated professional development in literacy instruction to groups of early childhood and new entrant teachers in decile one schools in Mangere and…

Pathways over the transition to schools: Studies in family literacy practices and effective classroom concepts for Māori and Pasifika children

Two outcomes of research and development are described in this report. One is the development of a set of resources suitable for family literacy education. The…

Review of future-focused research on teaching and learning

This Review is based upon information retrieved from the world wide web about recently completed or on-going large-scale international research initiatives which are future-focused and specifically…

What makes for effective teacher professional development in ICT

Since 1999, the Ministry of Education has provided funding for clusters of schools to develop three year ICT professional development programmes for their teachers. 23 clusters…

Literature review for the evaluation of the digital opportunities projects

This literature review is focused on international and New Zealand evaluations of "technology-rich" information and communication technologies (ICT) initiatives in schools from 1990 onwards. This review…

PISA 2000: Assessing Knowledge and Skills for Life: New Zealand Summary Report

In 2000 New Zealand took part in an international study that assessed 15-year-old students in three key areas of knowledge and skill: reading literacy, mathematical literacy…

Evaluation of two ECD Services: Licensing & Chartering Advice and Support

The purpose of this research is to investigate the quality and outcomes of the work that Early Childhood Development (ECD) services does in these two areas.…

Feedback from Schools on the Draft Document German in the New Zealand Curriculum: A Research Report

In February 2001, draft national curriculum guidelines for German were released for discussion and comment. To provide information on how well the draft guidelines assist and…

Evaluation of Schools Support

This report discusses the findings of an evaluation of the Ministry of Education's Schools Support Project as it was between mid-1995 and late 2000. The two…