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741 results in multiple government agencies

Teacher Perceptions of Students and Their Affect on Assessment of Speaking Performance

Teaching, learning and assessment are interpersonal activities. When making an assessment on a student, it must be acknowledged that although a teacher’s decisions are based on…

Social Studies: Assessing Year 8 Student's Knowledge and Understanding about New Zealand Society

NEMP probe studies provide researchers with the opportunity to carry out more detailed analyses of data collected during the annual monitoring of student achievement. The present probe…

Evaluation of the Second Language Learning Funding Pool (1999-2003)

The Second Language Learning Funding Pool was set up in 1998 (with funding commencing in 1999). Its general aim was to help schools develop effective and…

Hui Taumata 2005: Māori in tertiary education: a picture of the trends

In response to a request from the Steering Committee for the Hui Taumata 2005, the Ministry of Education has prepared this report looking at recent trends…

Evaluation of First-Time Principals Induction Programme 2003

This evaluation provides external feedback on a national induction programme, the First Time Principals (FTP) Programme. The University of Auckland Principals Centre was contracted by the…

PISA 2000: Focus on Pasifika Students Achievement in Reading literacy

This report focuses on reading literacy of Pasifika 15-year-old students. Using information from the PISA 2000 study, this report reviews educational outcomes and examines the factors…

PISA 2000: Focus on Māori Achievement in Reading Literacy

This report first reviews educational outcomes for Māori 15-year-olds drawing on the PISA 2000 study, and then focuses on reading literacy and the factors associated with…

OECD Thematic Review of Tertiary Education 2004-2007

New Zealand is one of 24 countries participating in a thematic review of tertiary education being conducted over the period 2004 – 2007 by the Organisation…

Te rerenga ā te pīrere: a longitudinal study of kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori students | Phase I

Te Rerenga ā te Pīrere(The Flight of the Fledgling) is a longitudinal study of 111 kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori students. This project is perhaps…

Analysis and Use of Student Achievement Data

This group of five studies reports on aspects of the AUSAD initiative in Mangere and Otara that is designed to improve the capacity of the schools…