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741 results in multiple government agencies

Socialisation of teachers into the culture of assessment

While new graduates of teacher education programmes are employed as provisionally registered teachers, they are still expected to plan, teach, and assess a full classroom programme…

Educational issues for communities affected by transience and residential mobility: report on phase 1

The New Zealand population as a whole is highly mobile. This can bring benefits to a community, but can also have adverse effects, particularly where there…

Reading Recovery in New Zealand: Uptake, implementation, and outcomes, especially in relation to Maori and Pasifika students

This research project evaluated Reading Recovery, an early intervention for students making limited progress in reading and writing after their first year at school. The study…

Hui Taumata 2005: Māori in Early Childhood Education and Schools

This paper provides some information on Māori students in early childhood services and schools. It has been prepared at the request of the Hui Taumata Steering…

Evaluation of Digitally Boosted Study Support Centres

The progress of the Digitally Boosted Study Support Centre Pilot, one of the four Digital Opportunities projects, is reported for the period January 2002 to December…

Interventions for Refugee Children in New Zealand Schools: Models, Methods, and Best Practice

This review looks at different models, methods and best practice for intervening with refugee children in New Zealand schools. It examines the literature on refugee trauma,…

Evaluation of Project FarNet Learning Communities in the Far North

FarNet is one of four Digital Opportunities Pilot Projects that aimed to “bridge the digital divide” by introducing information and communications technology (ICT) into various educational…

Report on Secondary Teacher Workload Study

This research, carried out by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) in 2004, looks at the hours worked, the kinds of work performed and the…

Evaluation of Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mātauranga (KAWM)

Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mätauranga (KAWM) encompassed a number of school improvement initiatives and aimed to: improve student achievement; improve school performance; strengthen school and community relationships;…

Initial Teacher Education: Policy and Practice

Initial teacher education has a fundamental goal to graduate teachers who are able to ensure high quality learning outcomes for all children and young people with…