741 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 1 Jan 2006
This project in six early childhood education centres combined professional development with action research to support ways in which teachers, and parents and whānau worked together…
Pathways and Prospects is a 4-year study of young people's pathway and career experiences and perspectives after leaving school and entering study/training and the workforce. This…
In this paper, Cathy Wylie examines the history and impact of school choice policies in New Zealand. Although 91% of primary students and 84% of secondary…
This research, undertaken by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER), was funded by the Ministry of Research Science and Technology (MoRST) and used to…
This report tells the story of the journey undertaken by the Whānau of Te Kōhanga Reo o Pūau Te Moananui a Kiwa during the time when…
This report describes three interrelated studies. The studies involve a limited evaluation of a professional support programme in Māori medium, a developmental description of children’s literacy…
Equity Funding is a small amount of additional funding for early childhood education (ECE) services intended to reduce educational disparities between different groups, reduce barriers to…
Until the 1990s, New Zealand teachers completed their initial teacher education in one of a small number of specialist colleges of education. The deregulation of teacher…
The National Education Monitoring Project (NEMP) provides a professional development opportunity for practising teachers who work for a period of six weeks as administrators for NEMP.…
The 2006 Monitoring Teacher Supply report provides the Ministry with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies and re-advertised vacancies in schools at the…