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741 results in multiple government agencies

Internationalisation in New Zealand Tertiary Education Organisations

The Ministry of Education commissioned independent consultants to undertake a national trend study of developments in the internationalisation of New Zealand tertiary education organisations since 1998.…

How do graduates' earnings change over time?

This report looks at the post-study earnings of those who borrowed through the Student Loan Scheme. It looks at the earnings of people three years after…

Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis: Strengthening Research, Policy and Practice Links to Improve Outcomes

The Iterative BES Programme has been one of a number of case studies considered in a series of OECD meetings focussed on evidence-based policy research. This…

Alternative Education: Literature Review and Report on Key Informants' Experiences

The overall purpose of this research was to collect a range of information about indicators of good practice and quality outcomes in alternative education programmes. The…

Beginning Teachers 2000 - 2004

Beginning teachers are a small yet significant group within the teaching workforce. Because they represent the future of the teaching workforce it is vital to ensure…

From school, work or unemployment: A comparison of pathways in tertiary education

This report describes the pathways taken by a cohort of 54,400 domestic students who first studied in 1998 at tertiary education institutions and follows their interactions…

The economic impact of foreign fee -paying students

The Ministry of Education commissioned Infometrics to calculate the total economic value-added, and estimated employment, from the New Zealand international education sector for the 2004 calendar…

Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA):

The Zooming in on Learning in the Digital Age (ZILDA) research programme aims to 'zoom in' - or dig down deeper - into issues surrounding 'digital…

Innovative pathways from school: Taking the first step

The Innovative Pathways from School study was designed to address an information gap about the programmes that support “at-risk” students at low-decile secondary schools to make…

Staying in Science 2 : Transition to tertiary study from the perspectives of New Zealand Year 13 science students

This report identifies and discusses the many interwoven factors that impact on students’ decision making with regard to the ongoing study of sciences, both in the…