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741 results in multiple government agencies

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) 2014

In 2014, the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) assessed student achievement at Year 4 and Year 8 in two areas of the New Zealand…

Profile & Trends: New Zealand's Tertiary Education Sector 2015

Profile & Trends is a primary information resource on New Zealand’s tertiary education system covering participation, achievement, resourcing, capability, research and much more. In addition to…

Skills in New Zealand and around the world: Survey of Adult Skills

This report looks at how the skills in of New Zealand adults compare to other countries and how they have changed over time. Also explored is…

e-Learning Provision, Participation and Performance

This report compares provision, participation, and student performance in courses delivered by e-learning methods with courses that do not use e-learning. This is analysed at a…

School to work: What matters? Education and Employment of Young People Born in 1991

This study explores the education and employment experiences of young people born in 1991. The main purpose of the study is to explore the kinds of…

Skills at Work: Survey of Adult Skills

This report looks at how skills, work-related learning and qualification mismatch varies across different industries and occupations. The report also compares training rates and the prevalence…

Skills and Education: Survey of Adult Skills

This report investigates the relationship between education and skills for New Zealand adults, how this relationship has changed over time and how it compares to other…

Secondary schools in 2015

This is a comprehensive picture of the current experiences and challenges for secondary schools in New Zealand. It presents the findings from NZCER's national survey of…

The post-study earnings and destinations of young domestic graduates

This series of factsheets and associated data tables provide information on the outcomes for young people who complete a qualification at a tertiary education provider in…

ECE Participation Programme Evaluation: Stage 3

This report is from the third stage of an evaluation of the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) ECE Participation Programme. The overall evaluation focus is on how…