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741 results in multiple government agencies

What makes a student travel for tertiary study?

This report looks at the mobility of tertiary students in terms of the distances they travel to undertake their tertiary studies. The report provides new information…

Choices for living, caring and working: A ten-year plan to improve the caring and employment choices available to parents and carers

This document has two objectives: to explain the government’s vision for enhancing choices for parents and carers; and to outline the Choices Plan of Action to…

COI A'oga Fa'a Samoa: O le Tama Ma Lana A'oga, O le Tama Ma Lona Fa'asinomaga: Nurturing Positive Identity in Children

In 1984 a group with vision, made up of grandparents and interested parents, set up an incorporated society "A'oga Fa'a Samoa", found premises, and started a…

Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis Evidence Based Policy Project Report

The Iterative BES Evidence-based Policy Project was developed as a change management pilot project. It sought to examine factors influencing the relationship between research and policy…

Outcomes of the New Zealand tertiary education system - a synthesis of the evidence

This report provides a synthesis of the evidence of the outcomes of the New Zealand tertiary education system. The report quotes a number of statistical studies…

Report on Research into the Circumstances of Very Young International Students in NZ

This report on research into the circumstances of very young international students informed policy work in 2003 resulting in stronger protections for international students aged 13…

Review of Secondary Schools' use of NCEA professional development resources 2005-2006.

In 2005, the Ministry of Education funded a programme of professional development to support the implementation of Scholarship and the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA)…

Assessment for foundation learning

Assessment is carried out by foundation learning (adult literacy, numeracy and language) education providers in different ways and for different purposes. For some, the assessment is…

e-Learning Maturity Model (Version Two) NZ tertiary institution e-Learning capability: Informing and guiding e-Learning architectural change and development

This research report commissioned by the Ministry and undertaken by Victoria University of Wellington and e-Learnz Inc is a follow up to Determination of New Zealand…

Student Responses to Critical Thinking Tasks in the NEMP Assessments

In 2005, the researcher conducted a probe study (Knight, 2005) in which the NEMP assessment tasks from 1996 to 2003 were considered to identify those which…