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741 results in multiple government agencies

Longitudinal Research on NCEA and Student Motivation

Longitudinal Research on the Relationships between NCEA and Student Motivation and Achievement was funded as a series of studies by a Ministry of Education research contract…

Review of the Specialist Classroom Teacher Pilot

The purpose of this report is to summarise and discuss data gathered during a review of the pilot of the Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT) role, which…

School Staffing Improvements: Evaluation of the impact of additional teaching staff provided through the School Staffing Review

This evaluation was carried out by the Education Review Office under contract to the Ministry of Education in 2004.The School Staffing Review Group reported to the…

Principles and practices in early intervention: A literature review for the Ministry of Education

The purpose of this literature review is to identify and review research and studies that illustrate effective and/or evidence-based principles of early intervention practice which can…

(ex)Citing research: A bibliometric analysis of New Zealand university research 1981-2005

This report examines the academic impact of the research by New Zealand universities, as measured by citations per publication, between 1981 and 2005.This report is one…

It’s Time for a New Learning Agenda in Policy, Research and Practice in Education: Making a Bigger Difference in Desired Educational Outcomes for Diverse Learners through Collaborative Cultures of Inquiry and Development

To better accomplish desired local, national and global outcomes within and across our communities, we need to build capacity for systemic learning and sustainable educational development.…

Measuring the returns on investment in tertiary education three and five years after study

This report presents the results of a study of people’s earnings in the years following tertiary study. The earnings of those who used the Student Loan…

Te whai i ngā taumata atakura: supporting Māori achievement in bachelors degrees

This study looks at what matters for the success of first-time Māori students studying towards bachelors degrees. The purpose of this study is to build understanding…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2007

The 2007 Monitoring Teacher Supply report provides the Ministry with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies and re-advertised vacancies in schools at the…

He tini manu reo: learning te reo Māori through tertiary education

This report examines the size and impact of the provision of te reo Māori courses through tertiary education over the period from 2001 to 2005, in…