Search Results

741 results in multiple government agencies

Monitoring research: a synthesis of Ministry of Education analyses of tertiary education research 2004-2008

This report presents a synthesis of the findings of Ministry of Education research between 2004 and 2008 into the research performance of New Zealand’s tertiary education…

Curriculum changes, priorities and issues: findings from the NZCER secondary 2006 and primary 2007 national surveys

This is a thematic report drawing together responses from our 2006 survey of secondary schools, and the 2007 survey of primary schools. Each survey questioned principals,…

Early childhood education services in 2007: key findings from the NZCER survey

The survey reports the views of teachers/educators from education and care centres, kindergartens, playcentres, and home-based services, and from a small number of Kōhanga Reo, along…

Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2007 surveys

The two survey reports are: NZCER evaluation of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters - Report on teacher and lead teacher survey data from Term…

Provision of early childhood education services and parental perceptions

The survey reports the views of teachers/educators from education and care centres, kindergartens, playcentres, and home-based services, and from a small number of kohanga reo, along…

NEMP Visual Art Assessment Results 2007

Visual Arts is that part of the curriculum which offers opportunities for developing abilities of personal and social expression through a range of media, forms and…

Physical Activity For Healthy, Confident Kids: Guidelines For Sustainable physical activity In School Communities 

These guidelines will help school communities to plan and provide opportunities for their students to enjoy many physical activity experiences, both within the school curriculum and…

NEMP Science Assessment Results 2007

In 2007, the first year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: science, art, and the use of graphs, tables and maps.…

NEMP Graphs, Tables & Maps Assessment Results 2007

 In 2007, the first year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: science, art, and the use of graphs, tables and maps.…

An Examination of the Links between Parental Educational Qualifications, Family Structure and Family Wellbeing, 1981–2006

The relationship between a person’s level of education and the level of income this commands has been well explored in the literature. Less well examined are…