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741 results in multiple government agencies

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2008

The 2008 Monitoring Teacher Supply report provides the Ministry with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies and re-advertised vacancies in schools at the…

The experiences of international students in New Zealand: Report on the results of the national survey 2007

International students are a vibrant part of our education sector providing immense benefit not only to our economy but also to New Zealand education providers, educators…

Research par excellence: The factors associated with higher research quality in New Zealand tertiary education organisations

This report applies statistical modelling to the results of the 2006 Performance-Based Research Fund Quality Evaluation to identify the staff characteristics associated with higher research quality.

Students’ Transition between School and Tertiary Education: 2nd Edition

Completing a tertiary qualification is beneficial to both the individual and society. Students who come to tertiary education directly from school have higher completion rates, lower…

COI Citizens Preschool and Nursery: Collaborations - Teachers and a Family Whānau Support Worker in an Early Childhood Setting

This report describes the Centre of Innovation (COI) research project carried out by the teacher-researchers of Citizens Preschool and Nursery, Dunedin between 2005 to 2007. This COI…

Research project on International Student Exchanges – Sending our Students Overseas (2008)

This research reports on the uptake of study abroad opportunities by New Zealand tertiary students. The research was undertaken by Victoria University on contract to the…

COI Te Marua/Mangaroa Playcentre: The SPACE Programme - Nurturing a culture of care for infants and first-time parents

The SPACE programme (Supporting Parents Alongside Children’s Education) at Te Marua/Mangaroa Playcentre is an early childhood Centre of Innovation (COI). The early childhood COI programme is…

COI Massey Childcare Centre: Ako Ngatahi - Teaching and Learning Together as One: From Leadership to Enquiry Teachers’ work in an Infants’ and Toddlers’ Centre

This report describes the Centre of Innovation action research project carried out in the Hoiho Section at Massey Child Care Centre Inc Palmerston North, between February…

Reframing Teacher Professional Learning: An Alternative Policy Approach to Strengthening Valued Outcomes for Diverse Learners

This chapter engages in the debate about what counts as professional knowledge from the perspective of improving outcomes for diverse learners. We begin by highlighting the…

How the PBRF has shifted research funding

This factsheet looks at the extent to which the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) has or has not resulted in shifts of funding between sub-sectors and, within…