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741 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluation of the Implementation of Kei Tua o te Pae Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars: Impact evaluation of the Kei Tua o te Pae 2006 professional development

This report presents findings from an impact evaluation of the 2006 Ministry of Education funded Kei Tua o te Pae professional development programme. In 2006, this…

Te Rau Awhina: - Good Practice Examples of Māori and Pasifika Private Training Establishments

This study was designed to investigate the practices of nominated Māori and Pasifika Private Training Establishments (PTEs) in relation to teaching & learning, and programme design…

TELA: Laptops for teachers evaluation: Final report years 7 & 8

The purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the impacts of the Laptops for Teachers Scheme: TELA (referred to from here as the TELA scheme) on…

TELA: Laptops for teachers evaluation: Final report years 9-13

The purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the impacts of the Laptops for Teachers Scheme: TELA (referred to from here as the TELA scheme) on…

Literature review on the experiences of Pasifika learners in the classroom

There are new challenges for education systems in knowledge societies. All learners need to be well served by their education to develop the requisite capabilities and…

Hei titiro anō i te whāinga: Māori achievement in bachelors degrees revisited

This report revisits and updates Te whai i nga taumata atakura – supporting Māori achievement in bachelors degrees. In this report, we look in greater detail…

Outcomes of Early Childhood Education: Literature Review

This literature review was commissioned by the Ministry of Education to provide policy makers with a synthesis of research that analyses the impact of early childhood…

Advanced trade, technical and professional qualifications – identifying demand

Demand for people in the workplace with advanced skills is increasing.  Having more people with advanced qualifications is one part of the solution. This report finds…

How does achievement at school affect achievement in tertiary education?

This report explores the relationship between academic achievement at secondary school and first-year achievement in tertiary education. The analysis uses a measure known as 'expected percentile'…

Post-school choices: How well does academic achievement predict the tertiary education choices of school leavers?

This report examines the association between academic achievement at secondary school and participation in the various types of tertiary education. This new research supports the government's…