Search Results

741 results in multiple government agencies

Does it really matter where you study?

This report compares the earnings of people who have completed a bachelors degree at a university with the earnings those who completed a similar qualification at…

Making an impact

This report analyses the bibliometric performance of New Zealand universities between 1994 and 2007 using data from Thomson Reuters. The report also examines the impact of…

Survey of Special Education resourcing

In 2007/08 an independent survey was undertaken to inform the Government about the level of special education resources received by schools and the allocation of special…

EOTC Leader Training and Qualification Needs: Research Report

This is a report on research into the training and qualification needs of teachers leading EOTC activities, carried out in November and December 2007. The purpose…

Education and enterprise: Learning at the interface

This is the final report from the Evaluation of the Regional E4E Cluster Initiative, carried out for the Ministry of Education, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise…

Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2008 surveys

Two mini reports were part of a two-year evaluation of Phase Two of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters Initiative. The initiative’s overall aim was…

Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura

This report is the outcome of a research project undertaken in response to widespread concerns about the educational programmes currently offered in many Māori medium secondary…

School resources, culture and connections: NZCER National Survey Thematic Report

This is a thematic report from our national survey series and covers issues such as school funding, staffing, culture and connections between schools and with educational…

NZCER evaluation of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters

Two mini reports were part of a two-year evaluation of Phase Two of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters Initiative. The initiative’s overall aim was…

Self-assessment: What teachers think

This investigation was an exploration of a small group of teachers’ interpretations of self-assessment, both in theory and in practice. Teachers talked about their beliefs about…