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741 results in multiple government agencies

A closer look at completion in higher education in New Zealand

New Zealand has one of the lowest reported higher education qualification completion rates in the OECD, significantly below Australia. Why do so many New Zealand students…

Paraprofessional Practice in ESOL Programmes: Part 1: Description and evaluation of paraprofessional practices in supporting initial reading programmes

This document reports on the first part of a two year study on the practices of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) paraprofessionals working with…

A Focus on Science Achievement

This paper summarises data on engagement and achievement in science across primary and secondary schools. This information has been collated across national and international studies undertaken…

Industry Training – Exploring the Data

This report examines industry training administrative datasets to determine the feasibility of their use for analytical purposes. It finds that the industry training data,  despite some…

Trends in fields of study of bachelors degree graduates in New Zealand

This report looks at trends in the fields of specialisation of bachelors degree graduates in New Zealand over the period 2002 to 2006. It uses newly…

Modern Apprenticeships – Completion Analysis

This report describes an analysis of the Modern Apprenticeships scheme through examination of the Modern Apprenticeship coordinator data collection, and the industry training administrative dataset. The…

Promoting quality research

This report used data from the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) Quality Evaluations to analyse the factors associated with the likelihood of university academics being promoted between…

Evaluation of the ECE Information and Communication Technologies Professional Learning Programme

The Early Childhood Education Information and Communication Technology Professional Learning Programme (ECE ICT PLP) is a three year pilot professional development programme established in 2006. The…

How Much Difference Does It Make? Notes on Understanding, Using, and Calculating Effect Sizes for Schools

A good way of presenting differences between groups or changes over time in test scores or other measures is by ‘effect sizes’, which allow us to…

Labour market outcomes of student support recipients

This study examines the relationship between receipt of student support and earnings three and five years after tertiary education.