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741 results in multiple government agencies

Report on the Evaluation of the Early Childhood Centres of Innovation Programme

This report presents findings of an evaluation of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Centres of Innovation (COI) programme, which ran between 2003 and 2009.  The evaluation…

Background of students in Alternative Education: Interviews with a selected 2008 cohort

This report presents the findings from a research project carried out in 2008 on the educational histories and pathways of alternative education (A.E.) students in New…

Advanced trade, technical and professional qualifications – trends in supply

This is report is the last in a series of three reports looking at the supply of and demand for advanced trade, technical and professional qualifications.

Future demand for tertiary education in New Zealand: 2009 to 2025 and beyond

This study models demand for tertiary education between 2009 and 2025 based on underlying population trends and three scenarios with different assumptions about how rates of…

Counting the cost: an analysis of domestic tuition fees

This report examines trends in domestic tuition fees under various government policies since 1990. In particular, there is a focus on trends in domestic tuition fees…

High Level Executive Summary: Quality Teaching, Research and Development English Medium Settings

The Quality Teaching Research and Development Project (QTR&D) was funded by the Ministry of Education. The exploratory project was developed collaboratively between the ministry, university academics,…

High Level Executive Summary: Quality Teaching, Research and Development Samoan Bilingual Hub

The focus of this summary is the Samoan bilingual hub. This QTR&D hub was set up to improve the quality of teaching and learning (pedagogy and…

Learning from the Quality Teaching Research and Development Programme (QTR&D) - Findings of the External Evaluation

The Quality Teaching Research and Development Programme (QTR&D) was a bold and ambitious pilot development and research project. It was designed  as an exploratory programme to…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2009

The 2009 Monitoring Teacher Supply report provides the Ministry with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies and re-advertised vacancies in schools at the…

High Level Executive Summary: Quality Teaching, Research and Development Māori Medium

The focus of this summary is on the Māori Medium which involved a university team, two school based hubs (settings) of teachers with in-service teacher educator…