741 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 26 Nov 2009
This presentation by the Chief Education Advisor, Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis (BES) Programme to the Te Kotahitanga conference explains the strategy and approaches of the BES…
Last Publication Date: 1 Nov 2009
This Ministry of Education commissioned ERO report looks at a representative sample of Resource Teacher Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) clusters and evaluates the effectiveness of their…
The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases…
There is a widespread belief among politicians and members of the public that school leaders make a critical difference to the quality of schools and the…
The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of:highly effective teachingprofessional learning and developmenteducational leadershipeducationally powerful connections with families whānau, andcommunities…
The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases…