Search Results

741 results in multiple government agencies

Laptops for Teachers: An evaluation of the TELA scheme in Auckland schools

The purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the impacts of the Laptops for Teachers Scheme (TELA) on primary schools within the Greater Auckland area.

E-learning for adult literacy, language and numeracy: a case study of a polytechnic

This case study describes how a New Zealand polytechnic uses e-learning to help students with literacy, language and numeracy needs.

E-learning for adult literacy, language and numeracy: a review of the literature

This report reviews the international literature on e-learning and on adult literacy, language and numeracy. It identifies how to engage adults successfully in e-learning to improve…

One size does not fit all’: how five tertiary education organisations embed literacy, language and numeracy: summary report

This report summarises the findings of a project on how different tertiary education organisations teach literacy, language and numeracy skills as part of their programmes.

Numeracy for adults: building skills with online learning links

This report describes a project that supplemented workplace learning with online numeracy activities. It found that simple online tasks that trainees completed in their own time…

'One size does not fit all’: how five tertiary education organisations embed literacy, language and numeracy: case study findings

This report describes how a wānanga, a polytechnic, two private training establishments and an industry training organisation teach literacy, language and numeracy skills as part of…

Laptops for Teachers: An evaluation of the TELA scheme in schools (Years 4 to 6)

The purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the impacts of the Laptops for Teachers Scheme (referred to from here as the TELA scheme) on Years…

Outcomes for Teachers and Students in the ICT PD School Clusters Programme 2006-2008 - A National Overview

This report focuses on the effectiveness of the 2006-2008 Information and Communication Technologies Professional Development (ICT PD) School Clusters programmes and supplements previous evaluations of the…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2010

The 2010 Monitoring Teacher Supply report provides the Ministry with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies and re-advertised vacancies in schools at the…

Laptops for Teachers: An evaluation of the TELA scheme in Otago schools

The purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the impacts of the Laptops for Teachers Scheme (TELA) on primary schools within the Otago region.