741 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 1 Apr 2011
This report presents the findings from an outcome evaluation of the Parent Mentoring Project in Manukau initiated in 2007. It is submitted by Auckland UniServices Limited…
This report analyses tertiary sector e-Learning provision at a system, sub-sector and course level from 2004 to 2008. The sub-sectors focused on in the report are…
Last Publication Date: 1 Mar 2011
This working paper describes a series of recent “student voice” projects undertaken by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER). Although these projects varied in…
Recent years have seen increasing participation of under-two-year-olds in early childhood education. This literature review draws together relevant research evidence to better understand what quality early…
This supplementary paper to the New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline considers three pharmacological interventions: aripiprazole, citalopram and melatonin.
This report presents findings from a national evaluation of the implementation of The New Zealand Curriculum. The project sought to establish a national picture of implementation…
The revised New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) was launched in November 2007 (Ministry of Education, 2007), following a lengthy period of trialling and consultation, which included the…
Last Publication Date: 1 Feb 2011
This report looks at the use of literacy and numeracy skills at work, and how this relates to the skills and education of employees. It uses…
Over the last 10 years, almost a million tertiary education qualifications have been awarded to New Zealanders. One-third of these were bachelors or higher qualifications. This…
Last Publication Date: 1 Jan 2011
This working paper describes some of the ideas underpinning NZCER’s Future-Focused Issues (FFI) project. There is a variety of ways to interpret what it means to…