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741 results in multiple government agencies

Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching - a New Zealand perspective

This research project draws together findings from new data and more than 10 years of research on current practice and futures-thinking in education.The report discusses some…

Supporting deaf learners using visual modes of communication within mainstream schools to access the curriculum

Many deaf learners are geographically dispersed and many attend local mainstream classes, which can result in linguistic isolation with little access to natural visual language models.…

BES Exemplar 4 "Reciprocal Teaching"

The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of: highly effective teaching professional learning and development educational leadership educationally powerful connections…

BES Exemplar 2 "Ripene Awhina ki te Panui Pukapuka (RAPP)"

The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of: highly effective teaching professional learning and development educational leadership educationally powerful connections…

BES Exemplar 3 "Teacher and Student Use of Learning Goals"

The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of: highly effective teaching professional learning and development educational leadership educationally powerful connections…

BES Exemplar 5 "Learning Logs He kete wherawhera"

The BES exemplars are a series of publications that make transparent the nature of: highly effective teaching professional learning and development educational leadership educationally powerful connections…

The Use of Evidence to Improve Education and Serve the Public Good

This paper explores the challenge of mobilising research to inform ongoing improvement in valued outcomes for diverse (all) learners across school systems. The context is an…

Commercialisation of university research

This occasional paper uses new data from the University Commercialisation Offices of New Zealand to look at trends in the commercialisation of university research in New…

Industry Training:  Two reports on the performance of the industry training system

These two reports take a view of aspects of the industry training system.The first report: 'Industry Training: Profiling achievement and assessing value for money' characterises trainees…

Employment outcomes for ECE teaching graduates

This report looks at the post-study employment and earnings for ECE teaching graduates over a five year period following the completion of their qualification. The research…