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741 results in multiple government agencies

Enabling Good Lives progress and evaluation reports

This report details the findings from an initial evaluation of the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Demonstration in Christchurch. EGL is a new approach to supporting disabled…

Literacy and numeracy assessments of adult English language learners

This report is an attempt to answer questions about the extent to which the Assessment Tool can reasonably and legitimately be used to assess the literacy…

Resource Teachers: Literacy Data Collection

Data on students taught by Resource Teachers: Literacy (RT:Lits) and their precursors, the Resource Teachers of Reading (RTRs) have been collected and analysed each year since…

PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2012

What is PISA?The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international study that assesses and compares how well countries are preparing their 15-year-old students to…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2013

The annual Survey of Staffing provides the Ministry of Education with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies at the start of Term 1.…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2014

The annual Survey of Staffing provides the Ministry of Education with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies at the start of Term 1.…

ECE Participation Programme Evaluation: Delivery of ECE Participation Initiatives Stage 2

This report is from the second stage of an evaluation of the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) ECE Participation Programme. The overall evaluation explores how the Participation…

International Capabilities: A summary report for schools

This  a summary report for schools, drawn from research and analysis by the Ministry of Education and an explorative study completed by the New Zealand Council…

TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey 2013

This report outlines the results of the TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey for 2013.  This survey was conducted in order to determine whether the current products…

Measuring New Zealand students' international capabilities: An exploratory study

This exploratory study considers the feasibility of measuring New Zealand senior secondary (Years 12/13) students' "international capabilities". Building on background work undertaken by the Ministry's International…