741 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 1 Feb 2015
This report gives an overview of the literature relating to e-learning in workplaces in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Last Publication Date: 1 Jan 2015
This report analyses the impact of Te Kotahitanga Phase 5 on Māori student achievement and wellbeing and explores the design and implementation features that enabled such…
This report explores teachers' practice and thinking about one of the eight principles in the New Zealand Curriculum, learning to learn. It draws on data from…
This research looked at current practice in environmental education in New Zealand schools using a range of methods. Three key goals of the research were to:…
This is the second report in the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) Project Plus series. It looks at the 18 literacy-related projects in the early…
Part of experiencing success as Māori within schools depends on having opportunities to learn and use te reo Māori and tikanga Māori. But how well do…
This report from the Ka Whānau Mai Te Reo project puts the spotlight on te reo Māori at times of transition. It explores the diverse aspirations…
Science capabilities are a set of ideas for teachers to think with about science education. There are five: gathering and interpreting data, using evidence, critiquing evidence,…
How do people learn to become general practitioners, carpenters and engineering technicians? This report is based on the Knowing Practice project and explores practice-based learning (apprenticeship…
Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS) model in New Zealand is designed for the small number of children and young people with highly complex and challenging behaviour, social…