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712 results in multiple government agencies

Teaching of International Languages in New Zealand Schools in Years 7 and 8: An Evaluation Study

The Ministry of Education provides support to teachers and students of International Languages Education in years 7 and 8 through: - regional advisers of International Languages…

Shifting the focus: Achievement information for professional learning

As professionals, teachers must continually update, deepen, and refine their knowledge and skills through professional development. The goal of professional development should be to raise student…

An evaluation of some programmes for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Auckland: Opportunities, contingencies, and illusions

This research evaluates three educational programmes in the Auckland area for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The programmes evaluated were Autism Action Precision Teaching Centre…

Pacific peoples and tertiary education: Issues of participation

This research focused on the participation patterns of Pacific students in tertiary education and barriers to their participation. It has three parts: a literature review on…

Literature Review on Pacific Education Issues

This Literature Review on Pasifika Education Issues was commissioned to provide valuable information about those issues for Pacific education which have been researched, and those which…

Literature review for the evaluation of the digital opportunities projects

This literature review is focused on international and New Zealand evaluations of "technology-rich" information and communication technologies (ICT) initiatives in schools from 1990 onwards. This review…

PISA 2000: The New Zealand context

The New Zealand context to the PISA 2000 study is the focus of this report, published in August 2002. The performance of sub-groups of 15-year-olds is…

Special Education 2000: Evaluation and monitoring

In October 1998, a team from Massey University was contracted by the Ministry of Education to provide independent evaluation and monitoring of Special Education 2000 (SE2000)…

Picking up the Pace

This research project delivered concentrated professional development in literacy instruction to groups of early childhood and new entrant teachers in decile one schools in Mangere and…

Pathways over the transition to schools: Studies in family literacy practices and effective classroom concepts for Māori and Pasifika children

Two outcomes of research and development are described in this report. One is the development of a set of resources suitable for family literacy education. The…