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745 results in multiple government agencies

High Level Executive Summary: Quality Teaching, Research and Development Samoan Bilingual Hub

The focus of this summary is the Samoan bilingual hub. This QTR&D hub was set up to improve the quality of teaching and learning (pedagogy and…

Learning from the Quality Teaching Research and Development Programme (QTR&D) - Findings of the External Evaluation

The Quality Teaching Research and Development Programme (QTR&D) was a bold and ambitious pilot development and research project. It was designed  as an exploratory programme to…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2009

The 2009 Monitoring Teacher Supply report provides the Ministry with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies and re-advertised vacancies in schools at the…

High Level Executive Summary: Quality Teaching, Research and Development Māori Medium

The focus of this summary is on the Māori Medium which involved a university team, two school based hubs (settings) of teachers with in-service teacher educator…

A closer look at completion in higher education in New Zealand

New Zealand has one of the lowest reported higher education qualification completion rates in the OECD, significantly below Australia. Why do so many New Zealand students…

Paraprofessional Practice in ESOL Programmes: Part 1: Description and evaluation of paraprofessional practices in supporting initial reading programmes

This document reports on the first part of a two year study on the practices of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) paraprofessionals working with…

A Focus on Science Achievement

This paper summarises data on engagement and achievement in science across primary and secondary schools. This information has been collated across national and international studies undertaken…

Refugee Resettlement: A literature review

This international literature review on refugee resettlement policy, completed in November 2007, provides part of the information platform for progressing a multi-year, cross-departmental research project being…

Industry Training – Exploring the Data

This report examines industry training administrative datasets to determine the feasibility of their use for analytical purposes. It finds that the industry training data,  despite some…

Trends in fields of study of bachelors degree graduates in New Zealand

This report looks at trends in the fields of specialisation of bachelors degree graduates in New Zealand over the period 2002 to 2006. It uses newly…