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745 results in multiple government agencies

Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu: how can language and literacy be optimised for Māori learner success?

This report explores success in literacy and language learning for Māori adults. It captures the perspectives of Māori tutors and students who were or undertaking, or…

Te piko o te māhuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau: language and literacy in marae-based programmes

This report explores the effectiveness of marae-based learning in providing language and literacy for Māori adults. It examines two marae-based programmes at Te Whare Wānanga o…

2008 Survey of Operational Costs of ECE Services

This report provides the summary results of the 2008 Survey of Operating Costs for early childhood education (ECE) services.

Motivation and Achievement at Secondary School - The relationship between NCEA design and student motivation and achievement: A Three-Year Follow-Up

Longitudinal Research on the Impact of the NCEA and Student Motivation and Achievement was funded as a series of studies by a Ministry of Education research…

Outcomes for teachers and students in the ICTPD School Clusters Programme 2005-2007: A national overview

This report focuses on the effectiveness of the 2005-2007 Information and Communication Technologies Professional Development (ICT PD) School Clusters programmes and supplements previous evaluations of the…

Numeracy for adults - latest findings from teaching and learning research

This report identifies critical factors for successful numeracy learning in tertiary education. It is based on the latest teaching and learning research from New Zealand and…

Ebbs and flows: Participation in post-compulsory education over the economic cycle

This report examines historical enrolment data to analyse the association between the economic cycle and participation in senior secondary school and in tertiary education.

Flying the nest: an analysis of Kiwi firms delisting from the NZX

Recent commentary has suggested an increasing trend in delistings from the NZX, driven by offshore takeovers. However, some of that commentary has been driven by anecdotal…

Doctors and romance: Not only of interest to Mills and Boon readers

Internationally there is a growing demand for health services. Skilled health workers, including doctors, have a high degree of international mobility and New Zealand (NZ) stands…

Report on the Evaluation of the Early Childhood Centres of Innovation Programme

This report presents findings of an evaluation of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Centres of Innovation (COI) programme, which ran between 2003 and 2009.  The evaluation…