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745 results in multiple government agencies

Brief Comment in Response to discussion of School leadership and student outcomes: Identifying what works and why best evidence synthesis (Robinson, Hohepa & Lloyd, 2009)

This is a response by the Chief Education Advisor, Iterative Best Evidence Syntesis Programme to a special issue of the Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and…

Criminalisation of Cartel Behaviour

This paper considers the case for criminalisation of hard-core cartel behaviour. Two frameworks are applied for considering the issue: retributive justice and deterrence (so as to…

Centre of Innovation Research: An exploration of the practices and systems that foster a sense of wellbeing and belonging for young children and their families as they transition from home to a 'formal' home-based care and education

This report describes the Centre of Innovation (COI) action research project carried out by Hutt Family Day Care (HFDC) in Lower Hutt, Wellington from January 2006…

Evaluation of Teacher Professional Development Languages (TPDL) for teachers of languages in Years 7-10 and the Impact on Language Learning Opportunities and Outcomes for Students

This study was carried out during 2008 and aims to inform the Ministry about the TPDL and the impact on language learning opportunities and outcomes for…

Te Kotahitanga: Using Research and Development (R&D) to make a much bigger difference for our children and our society

This presentation by the Chief Education Advisor, Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis (BES) Programme to the Te Kotahitanga conference explains the strategy and approaches of the BES…

How effective is the current Resource Teacher Learning and Behaviour cluster model?

This Ministry of Education commissioned ERO report looks at a representative sample of Resource Teacher Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) clusters and evaluates the effectiveness of their…

BES Case Study 30: Use a common educational purpose to engage school and family/Whānau/hapu

The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases…

BES Case Study 32: Develop smart policy and curriculum documents to support educational improvement

The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases…

BES Case Study 31: Develop educationally powerful connections based on relational trust

The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases…

BES Case Study 28: To improve learning, engage with teacher's beliefs about students and learning

The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases…