745 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 3 Jun 2010
To help gain greater insights into the teaching and learning needs of students in the middle years of schooling in New Zealand the Ministry of Education…
Last Publication Date: 1 Jun 2010
This report summarises the main findings of a research project on how e-learning can help to improve adults’ literacy, language and numeracy skills.
This is the first national survey of physical activity, sedentary behaviours and dietary habits in five to 24 year-olds in New Zealand. The Survey was commissioned…
This report presents the findings of a research project on literacy teaching and learning in e-Learning contexts carried out by CORE Education and the New Zealand…
The purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the impacts of the Laptops for Teachers Scheme (TELA) on primary schools within the Greater Auckland area.
This case study describes how a New Zealand polytechnic uses e-learning to help students with literacy, language and numeracy needs.
This report reviews the international literature on e-learning and on adult literacy, language and numeracy. It identifies how to engage adults successfully in e-learning to improve…
This report summarises the findings of a project on how different tertiary education organisations teach literacy, language and numeracy skills as part of their programmes.
This report describes a project that supplemented workplace learning with online numeracy activities. It found that simple online tasks that trainees completed in their own time…
This report describes how a wānanga, a polytechnic, two private training establishments and an industry training organisation teach literacy, language and numeracy skills as part of…