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745 results in multiple government agencies

Science achievement: What we know from New Zealand's participation in TIMSS 2014/15 and PISA 2015

In 2014 and 2015 New Zealand took part in two large international studies – the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and the Programme…

Evaluation of Partnership Schools | Kura Hourua Policy

The Ministry of Education has a clear focus on improving student achievement, and employs a range of approaches to support the sector’s efforts, including provision of…

Uptake and early implementation: Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako

This report provides an overview of the early implementation of Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako (Communities of Learning) up to December 2016

PISA 2015: New Zealand Students Wellbeing

Students’ educational outcomes can be affected by a range of factors from inside and outside of the school grounds. For example, students who are motivated to…

Māori in the labour market - monitoring report

Māori in the Labour Market -2017 presents key labour market indicators for Māori between 2012 and 2017 using annualised data from the Household Labour Force Survey…

Moving places: Destinations and earnings of international graduates

International students play an important role in New Zealand through the contribution they make to New Zealand’s economy, the diversity they bring to New Zealand and…

Learning analytics tools, systems, initiatives, frameworks, and models: An annotated bibliography

This annotated bibliography reviews 261 papers on learning analytics tools, systems, frameworks, models, research studies, and tertiary education provider (provider) initiatives in New Zealand, Australia, Canada,…

Technology-supported physical learning spaces: An annotated bibliography

This annotated bibliography reviews 225 papers on Tertiary Education Organisations’ (TEOs’) technology-supported physical learning spaces produced between 2005 and 2016 in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the…

Ngāue Fakataha ki he ako 'a e Fānau

Reports for the research and development project Ngāue Fakataha ki he Ako ’a e Fānau — Schools and Parents and Families Working Together to Better Understand…

PISA 2012: Series on Learners Volume I: Student confidence and beliefs about their ability to learn maths

This report focuses on the link between self-beliefs and maths achievement. It presents data which addresses the following areas: Average levels of learning beliefs among New…