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745 results in multiple government agencies

Business Strategies and Employment Decisions: Interviews with New Zealand Firms

A firm’s business strategy does not exist in a vacuum; it requires employees to implement it. However, firms often say that they have difficulties hiring certain…

Should the focus of publicly provided small business assistance be on start-ups or growth businesses?

How is New Zealand best able to maximise the potential of its enterprise population? The simple answer is that it has to ensure that the "rules…

Business Strategy and Skills in New Zealand

This paper summarises the results from two projects that investigated skills in New Zealand businesses. The first – The Impact of Skills on New Zealand Firms…

To Make or Buy (Skills): An Analysis of Training Decisions Using Microdata

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of skill shortages on the supply of training within New Zealand firms. The study uses a…

A Good Worker is Hard to Find: Skills Shortages in New Zealand Firms

This paper examines the determinants of firms’ skill shortages, using a specially-designed survey, the Business Strategy and Skills (BSS) module of the Business Operations Survey. We…

Commercialisation of university research

This occasional paper uses new data from the University Commercialisation Offices of New Zealand to look at trends in the commercialisation of university research in New…

Industry Training:  Two reports on the performance of the industry training system

These two reports take a view of aspects of the industry training system.The first report: 'Industry Training: Profiling achievement and assessing value for money' characterises trainees…

Employment outcomes for ECE teaching graduates

This report looks at the post-study employment and earnings for ECE teaching graduates over a five year period following the completion of their qualification. The research…

Pasifika Education Research Priorities: Using research to realise our vision for Pasifika learners

This document will be of interest to researchers and others with an interest in Pasifika education. Its purpose is to encourage a collaborative, coordinated approach to…

What we get for what we spend: outputs and outcomes of the Government's tertiary education expenditure 2006-2010

This report synthesises the inputs, outputs and outcomes of the Government's tertiary education expenditure over the period 2006 to 2010 in eight key funds.  In total,…