
117 results in multiple government agencies

Early Start Evaluation Report

Early Start is an evidence-based, early intervention programme developed by Professor David Fergusson, from the Christchurch School of Medicine, in conjunction with local social service providers…

Delivering Better Public Services

Justice sector agencies – the Ministry of Justice, Department of Corrections, NZ Police, Serious Fraud Office, Crown Law and Ministry of Social Development (for youth justice)…

Court Lawyer Survey: A summary of findings

This paper summarises the results of the Survey of Court Lawyers. The research aimed to better understand lawyers’ experience of services and facilities the Ministry of…

Legal aid: Evaluation of reforms

The Ministry of Justice is evaluating the implementation and impact of the reforms to the legal aid system that have been progressively implemented since 2009. The…

Review of the sentence of home detention 2007-2011

The sentence of home detention was introduced in November 2007. This sentence may only be imposed where the court would otherwise have imposed a short-term sentence of…

Family Court Review: Summary

The Family Court deals with families and children at highly stressful and sometimes risky times in their lives. It is vital it operates effectively so all…