Search Results

419 results in multiple government agencies

Raising Children in New Zealand: Family Resilience and Good Child Outcomes - a Review of the Literature

This report is the third volume in the Ministry of Social Development’s new research series Raising Children in New Zealand. The series was established as a…

Youth Transitions Report Series 2003

Government has the goal of having by 2007, all 15 to 19 year olds in work, education or training, or other activities that contribute to their…

Evaluating the February 1999 Domestic Purposes Benefit and Widows Benefit Reforms: Summary of key findings

This paper reports on the findings of the evaluation and monitoring strategy that focused on policy reforms for Domestic Purposes Benefit (DPB) and Widows Benefit (WB)…

The Social Report 2002

The Social Report 2002 Update is the second stage in the programme of social monitoring initiated by The Social Report 2001. It aims to provide up-to-date…

Raising Children in New Zealand: Exploring Good Outcomes for Young People

As part of its family dynamics/family effectiveness research programme, the Ministry of Social Development commissioned research in 2000 to explore the views of families, young people…

Raising Children in New Zealand: The Influence of Parental Income on Children's Outcomes

It is well established that parental income is positively associated with virtually every dimension of child well-being that social scientists measure. This report advances beyond simple…

Living Standards of Older Māori

New Zealand Living Standards 2000

The Changing Face of Social Service Volunteering: A Literature Review

The former Ministry of Social Policy (now the Ministry of Social Development) undertook this literature review as part of its contribution to the International Year of…

Evaluating the February 1999 Domestic Purposes Benefit and Widows Benefit Reforms

This paper reports on the findings of the evaluation and monitoring strategy that focused on policy reforms for Domestic Purposes Benefit (DPB) and Widows Benefit (WB)…