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549 results in multiple government agencies

Estimating the Impact of Employment Programmes on Participants’ Outcomes

This report summarises what has been learnt so far in estimating employment programme impact using administrative data in the New Zealand context. The report covers issues…

Evaluation of Avenues: Evaluation of Migrant Pilot Projects in Auckland North, Auckland Central, Waikato and Central Regions 2002

This report summarises four pilot schemes, completed in 2000/2001, designed to address issues related to the difficulties experienced by migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds who have…

Report of the Business NZ Skills and Training Survey 2003

This report provides the results of a survey conducted by Business NZ in conjunction with the Department of Labour and the Industry Training Federation, and funded…

Report on Maternity 2000 & 2001

This is the second in the series of annual data analysing New Zealand maternity services. It contains information on the outcomes, availablity and utilisation of maternity…

Migrants in New Zealand: An Analysis of 2001 Census Data

This report was developed to update, and further develop, a profile of the demographic characteristics of migrants to New Zealand. The analysis is provided for all…

Skilled Migrants: Labour Market Experiences

This report consists of two research projects that describe and analyse some of the outcomes of the General Skills Category (GSC) policy. Part A is an…

New Zealand's Labour Market from 1991 - 2001: Evidence of Upskilling?

In this paper, I investigate the prospect that there has been a general ‘upskilling’(understood as extensive skill-biased technological change) in the New Zealand workforce. This research,…

A report card on the New Zealand labour market: Improving, Could do better

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the performance of the New Zealand labour market in recent years. In particular how has…

Assessing The Progress On Poverty Reduction

This paper presents the summary results of the New Zealand Poverty Measurement Project's analysis of the incidence and severity of poverty during the 1990s, and assesses…

Migrants in New Zealand: An analysis of Labour Market Outcomes for Working Aged Migrants Using 1996 and 2001 Census Data

The objective of this paper is to compare the labour market outcomes of recent and long- term migrants with those of New Zealand born using the…