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549 results in multiple government agencies

The story so far: Peter Shaw, Kathy Fielding and Jessie Henderson outline the development of the On TRACC service

Social Work Now, Issue 31, pages 24-27. Since November 2003 the Transcultural Care Centre and Intersectoral Service for Children and Young People from Refugee Backgrounds and…

Meeting the challenge: Elements in Reducing and Managing Risk in Social Work Practice

Social Work now, Issue 31, pages 8-11.In a number of high-profile cases involving the death of a child, it has been revealed that social workers handling…

A kit of their own: the development and production of personal kits for children and young people in care

Social Work Now, Issue 31, pages 12-18. Personal resource kits were developed for children and young people in the custody and/or guardianship of the Chief Executive…

Returning to work from injury: Longitudinal evidence on employment and earnings

New Zealand has a comprehensive accident insurance system that pays much of the direct cost of accidental injuries, and compensates workers 80 percent of their earnings…

The Social Report 2005

The Social Report has four key aims: to report on social indicators that complement existing economic and environmental indicators; to compare New Zealand with other countries;…

The people we serve

Social Work Now, Issue 30, pages 20-26. Every social worker knows that a large number of families come to the notice of Child, Youth and Family…

A permanent non-kin placement project in action

Social Work Now, Issue 30, pages 8-14 When the Gisborne Child, Youth and Family office focused on permanent placements, eight children were identified with complex case…

Working out family access issues for children in care in New Zealand

Social Work Now, Issue 30, pages 4-7. The purpose of the access is at the very heart of access arrangements for children in care. It is…

Third generation parenting

Social Work Now, Issue 30, pages 27-30 A vivid memory from my practitioner days is the anguish of an older Māori woman deciding whether to commit…

Adolescent boys: Can they ‘do’ fatherhood?

Social Work Now, Issue 30, pages 15-19 This research combines a review of the international literature on adolescent fathers with New Zealand based research. It covers…