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549 results in multiple government agencies

An Evaluation of Health and Safety Management Practices in the Hairdressing Industry

Project Aim To evaluate the present state of health and safety management practices used to reduce the risk of injury and disease in the Hairdressing Industry.…

Positive Ageing Indicators

This report is the first step in the establishment of a regular programme of monitoring the wellbeing and quality of life of older New Zealanders.The report…

Getting it right: An evaluation of New Zealand community treatment programmes for adolescents who sexually offend: Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi

This evaluation was commissioned by the Department of Child, Youth and Family (CYF) in 2003. The primary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of community-based treatment…

Affordable Housing in the Bay of Plenty Region – A Solutions Study

This research investigates the links between housing, work, infrastructure and regional development in the Western Bay of Plenty and Eastern Bay of Plenty sub-regions.

Household Incomes in New Zealand: Trends in Indicators of Inequality and Hardship 1982 to 2004

This report provides information on the material wellbeing of New Zealanders as indicated by their household incomes over the period 1982 to 2004.It brings together in…

The Pockets of Significant Hardship and Poverty Report

The report describes the range of strategies and supports, either planned or underway, to address: problem debt help ensure timely access to physical and mental health…

International students: Studying and staying on in New Zealand

New Zealand benefits in many ways through export education. As New Zealand’s fourth largest export industry, the annual financial gain alone is estimated at over two…

Parental Leave in New Zealand 2005/2006 Evaluation

This report presents the fi ndings of that evaluation and will form the basis of further work on the parental leave scheme. It will also contribute…

Immigration New Zealand: Supporting new migrants to settle and work

This paper reports the findings of a feasibility study in which data from the Annual Enterprise Survey (AES) were linked to data from the Linked Employer-Employee…

Social Work Now! Issue 36: The Family Group Conference

This issue of Social Work Now is a special issue for the Child Youth and Family conference "Coming Home - Te Hokinga Mai". Family group conferencing is at…