549 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 1 Jan 2008
These reports detail findings from the annual information match between Ministry of Social Development (MSD) benefit and Department of Labour (the Department) immigration data. The purpose…
New Zealand’s large and volatile external migration flows generate significant year-to-year fluctuations in the demand for residential housing. This paper uses population data from the 1986,…
Last Publication Date: 1 Dec 2007
Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 11-20. Children begin their lives entirely dependent on adults for survival. Bowlby (1969) believed that attachment behaviour was biological in…
Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 21-28. Statutory child protection work is often viewed as the sharp end of social work practice, located in a turbulent…
Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 5-10. Infants are one of the most vulnerable groups of children referred to statutory child welfare systems, a fact research…
Social Work Now, Issue 38, pages 29-35. This article focuses on two conditions – post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traits of borderline personality disorder (BPD)…
Last Publication Date: 1 Nov 2007
New Zealand has a long history of gendered migration and this has affected the overall gender balance in the population. According to official records there were…
This literature review aimed to find evidence of those attitudes and behaviours that promote peaceful and harmonious, rather than violent and highly conflicted, family relationships. The…
Making sure that caregivers feel valued and supported is essential to ensuring they are able to provide the best possible care and support to enable young…
The development of the SPEaR Best Practice Guidelines (Contracting, Ethics, Māori and Pasifika) is a key part of developing the research and evaluation capacity and capability…