549 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 1 Apr 2008
Social Work Now, Issue 39, pages 38-48. This article will consider one approach to ‘thinking about thinking’ as developed in Sharon Berlin’s early but seminal paper…
Social Work Now, Issue 39, pages 5-14. Theory, research, and practice in social work are inescapably intertwined. Each can inform and enrich the others. As a…
Social Work Now, Issue 39, pages 21-28. Cognitive therapy tends to focus on how the client’s thoughts distort reality and lead to anxiety and depression. But…
Last Publication Date: 1 Mar 2008
During the economic upswing in New Zealand between 1999 and 2007, employment increased by over 20 percent and average real earnings increased by 9 percent. It…
This paper uses data from the 2006 New Zealand Census to outline a demographic profile of New Zealanders who work long hours. The Census contains working…
The purpose of the evaluation report is to inform interested parties of the extent to which vocational service providers have aligned their service with the Pathways…
This report presents a summary of findings from a literature review of selected international and New Zealand research on the physical and psychological abuse of children…
This research examines the impact of immigration between 1991 and 2006 and projects likely population changes for the decade 2006-2016 under ‘conservative’ and ‘growth’ scenarios. It…
Last Publication Date: 1 Feb 2008
The investigation into the integration of Ministry of Social Development (MSD) benefit data with the Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED) production system indicates that the integration is…
Last Publication Date: 1 Jan 2008
The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of the origin of overseas-born nurses, their labour market outcomes and their family structures. In OECD…