Search Results

549 results in multiple government agencies

Current Trends, Process and Practice in Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

The growth of mediation over the last 20 years has promulgated quantities of literature both pragmatic and theoretical as practitioners and academics have grappled with the…

SPEaR Good Practice Guidelines 2008

The Social Policy Evaluation and Research Committee (SPEaR) was established by Government in 2001. The SPEaR Terms of Reference included a specific function to promote the…

The 2002 Domestic Purposes and Widow’s Benefit Reform: Evaluation Report

The 2002 Domestic Purposes and Widow’s Benefit reform reshaped the support available to help people receiving these benefits move towards employment and changed the employment-related obligations…

The Employment and Retirement Transitions of New Zealanders Aged in their 60s: Evidence from LEED

This study describes the employment patterns and work-to-retirement transitions of New Zealanders who were who were born between 1 April 1936 and 31 March 1940 and…

Why are there so many short jobs in LEED? An analysis of job tenure using LEED

The main objective of this paper is to investigate the use of earnings spells in LEED as a measure of job tenure. The paper was motivated…

The Skills-Productivity Nexus: Connecting Industry Training and Business Performance

The Industry Training Federation (ITF) and the Department of Labour (DoL) have embarked on a joint venture aimed at improving the ability of Industry Training Organisations…

Health Outcomes in Former New Zealand Timber Workers Exposed To Pentachlorophenal (PCP)

Concerns remain about chronic health problems experienced by former timber workers who were exposed to pentachlorophenol (PCP) when it was used as an anti-sapstain fungicide treatment…

Settlement Patterns and the Geographic Mobility of Recent Migrants to New Zealand

Twenty-three percent of New Zealand’s population is foreign-born and forty percent of migrants have arrived in the past ten years. Newly arriving migrants tend to settle…

Practicing place: everyday contexts in child and family welfare

Social Work Now, Issue 39, pages 29-37. Place, and its corollary, displacement, lie at the centre of child welfare practice. Child neglect, the issue that more…

Complexity and social work theory and practice

Social Work Now, Issue 39, pages 15-20. Most social workers, wherever they work, deal with complex life situations in their practice. If situations were not difficult…