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549 results in multiple government agencies

Conduct Problems Best Practice Report

This report was prepared by the Advisory Group on Conduct Problems (AGCP) on the prevention, treatment and management of conduct problems in children and young people.The…

Effective Occupational Health Interventions in Agriculture

The Effective Occupational Health Interventions in Agriculture: key characteristics of their development and implementation in New Zealand project sought to update the knowledge base on injury…

The future demand for paid caregivers in a rapidly ageing society

As the prevalence of disability increases with age, the impact on the need for assistance and care in various day-to-day living is apparent. It has been…

Migration Trends and Outlook 2007/08

This report is the eighth in a series produced annually to provide background information about trends in temporary and permanent migration. The report is prepared for: …

Business Attitudes to Tackling Family Violence

In September 2008, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) commissioned Senate to conduct interviews of 10 chief executives of large businesses operating in New Zealand to…

Youth Participation Case Studies DVD

The Youth Participation Videos DVD profiles youth participation projects from around New Zealand that have been supported by the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD). The Ministry…

The New Zealand Non-profit Sector and Government Policy

This review of the policy relationship between government and the non-profit sector is the final piece of work for the New Zealand contribution to the Johns…

The Labour Market Adjustment of Immigrants in New Zealand

This paper uses data from the 1997–2007 New Zealand Income Survey to examine the economic performance of immigrants in New Zealand. Specifically, we use a synthetic…

Global Visa & Permit Survey 2008

Since 1996 the Workforce Group of the Department of Labour has undertaken an annual Global Visa and Permit Survey. The purpose of this survey is to…

Why should child welfare and schools focus on minimising placement change as part of permanency planning for children?

Social Work Now, Issue 41, pages 19-27. For every child, education is critical to successful transition to adulthood. The need of foster children for a stable…