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549 results in multiple government agencies

A profile of temporary workers and their employment outcomes

This paper describes the characteristics, jobs, employment patterns and employment outcomes of temporary workers, using data collected in Statistics New Zealand’s Survey of Working Life 2008.…

Employment Outcomes of Tertiary Education Feasibility Study

The investigation into the integration of tertiary education administrative data with the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset (LEED) indicates that the integration is feasible. This conclusion was reached…

Does Workplace-based Industry Training Improve Earnings?

In recent years, workplace-based industry training has been growing at a faster rate than other forms of tertiary education and training. Government and industry have substantially…

Seasonal employment patterns in the horticultural industry

The study uses Linked-Employer-Employee Data (LEED) to examine short-term and seasonal employment patterns within the New Zealand horticulture industry. The study is a first attempt at…

Regional Labour Market Overview

This report provides an overview of regional labour market trends over the past five years. It presents key labour market statistics for each region and examines…

Migrant and Refugee Youth in New Zealand: Statistical Profile, 1996 to 2007

This report builds a profile of migrant and refugee youth (people aged 12 to 24 years) in New Zealand by analysing immigration approval data (1998 to…

The Campaign for Action on Family Violence. Effective social marketing: complex issues and innovative practice

Family violence is a significant social problem in New Zealand causing poor economic, social and health outcomes for victims and witnesses of violence. The economic cost…

Effectiveness of Youth Court Supervision Orders: Measures of Re-offending

This research reports on the effectiveness of Youth Court supervision orders in reducing the frequency and seriousness of re-offending. It was conducted to provide information on…

The impact of firm closure on worker's future labour market outcomes

This paper examines the impact of job loss due to firm closure on workers’ employment, earnings, and benefit receipt. It uses data from Statistics New Zealand’s…

Plan of Action to Prevent People Trafficking

People trafficking is difficult to detect as the modus operandi of traffickers and trafficking syndicates is thought to evolve in response to efforts to eradicate the…