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549 results in multiple government agencies

Looking Back and Building Futures: Former Refugees' Views on Settling in New Zealand

The aim of this exploratory study was to hear the views and experiences of former quota refugees who have lived in New Zealand for more than…

Life in New Zealand: Settlement Experience of Skilled Migrants

The following reports detail the findings from the 2005, 2007, 2008 Settlement Experience Feedback Surveys (SEFS) of migrants who have taken up residence in New Zealand. The…

Turning 65

To Work or not to work? Findings from a survey of 65 year old New Zealanders Many people reconsider workforce participation about the age of 65…

Safer Journeys consultation for the Ministry of Transport (2009)

The Ministry of Transport (MoT) is developing a road safety strategy, Safer Journeys, for 2010-2020.  To inform this safety strategy, MoT got together with the Ministry…

In-house Literacy, Language and Numeracy (LLN) Initiatives in New Zealand Workplaces

This summary report is based on a more extensive research report written by Dr Catherine Kell (with Kim Hastwell and Shona Guy) in 2008 and 2009.…

The Working Patterns of Older Workers

This paper describes the characteristics, jobs, working time patterns, employment conditions and employment outcomes of older workers using data collected in Statistics New Zealand’s Survey of…

The Social Report 2009

The Social Report has four key aims: to report on social indicators that complement existing economic and environmental indicators to compare New Zealand with other countries…

Defence Review; Youth Consultation

This report contributes to the Defence Review 2009, by presenting the views of young people on New Zealand defence issues. As part of the public consultation…

Identifying the resilience of the New Zealand workforce in a recession

This report outlines a new approach to examining the risks to the New Zealand workforce arising from the current recession. It uses both qualitative and quantitative…

In a Place I Call My Own: Support Networks of Older People Ageing in the Community

This report is based on interviews with older people who face significant challenges living in a place they all their own. It tells the stories of…