
504 results in multiple government agencies

Job Mobility and Wage Dynamics

Matched employer-employee data research has found that workers’ wages are affected by the characteristics of the firms they work in, and that higher skilled workers tend…

Working with young people

Social Work Now, Issue 42, pages 5-11. Working with young people is tremendously rewarding. Few professional areas of social work provide the kind of practice potential that…

Job Mobility and Wage Dynamics

Matched employer-employee data research has found that workers’ wages are affected by the characteristics of the firms they work in, and that higher skilled workers tend…

Refugee Resettlement: A literature review

This international literature review on refugee resettlement policy, completed in November 2007, provides part of the information platform for progressing a multi-year, cross-departmental research project being…

Men’s participation in unpaid care

Review of the literature on men’s participation in unpaid care, prepared for the Department of Labour and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, 2009.

Conduct Problems Best Practice Report

This report was prepared by the Advisory Group on Conduct Problems (AGCP) on the prevention, treatment and management of conduct problems in children and young people. The…