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385 results in multiple government agencies

From Wannabes to Youth Offenders: Youth Gangs in Counties Manukau - Research Report

This research is part of a cross-sectoral, multi-faceted response to a call for significant government intervention in Counties Manukau after increased reports about escalating youth gang…

Choices for living, caring and working: A ten-year plan to improve the caring and employment choices available to parents and carers

This document has two objectives: to explain the government’s vision for enhancing choices for parents and carers; and to outline the Choices Plan of Action to…

Understanding the patterns and relationships: Wendy Kelly examines children’s attachment needs

Social Work Now, Issue 34, pages 11-16 Attachment theory suggests that young children organise their behaviour around the way their caregiver treats them and that the…

Surveying social workers: Don Smith and Pete Ellis discuss the Towards Wellbeing suicide prevention programme from social workers’ perspective

Social Work Now, Issue 34, pages 4-10.The Towards Wellbeing (TWB) programme began with the publication of the best practice guidelines Towards Wellbeing: Responding to the needs…

Moving towards meeting all needs: Lisa Hema reviews developments in youth justice

Social Work Now, Issue 34, pages 17-20.The Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 (CYP&F Act) was born out of a social environment which included…

Work, Family and Parenting

This research report provides a descriptive picture of the reciprocal relationship between paid work and family life and raising children. Specifically, it provides insight into the…

'Ageing in Place': The Views of Older Homeowners about Housing Maintenance, Renovation and Adaptation

This report presents the findings of research into the ability of older homeowners to continue living in their own homes. The research showed the significance of…

The Best of Care? An Independent Review of Issues at the Interface of Disability Support and Care and Protection

"The Best of Care?" review explores the policy, legislation and operational practice related to children and young people with disabilities and their families who are involved…

Where do they go? Roy Bergquist reviews centrally funded treatment options for antisocial behaviours in New Zealand youth

Social Work Now, Issue 33, pages 12-15.The treatment of antisocial behaviour in adolescents is a matter for debate in this country. Many of the methods used…

We can work it out: Ashley Seaford examines employee performance appraisals

Social Work Now, Issue 33, pages 16-20.In some work areas machinery and technology contribute to productivity and the attainment of organisational objectives, but in human service…