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385 results in multiple government agencies

Social Work Now! Issue 36: The Family Group Conference

This issue of Social Work Now is a special issue for the Child Youth and Family conference "Coming Home - Te Hokinga Mai". Family group conferencing is at…

The Scale and Nature of Family Violence in New Zealand: A Review and Evaluation of Knowledge

Family violence is a major issue that affects the lives of many New Zealanders and creates significant social and economic costs across the wider society. While…

Media Analysis of Family Violence Reporting: July-September 2007

This July-September 2007 Quarterly Media Analysis is the first in a series of four reports for the Campaign for Action on Family Violence. The Ministry of Social…

Reducing Family Violence: Social marketing campaign formative research

Thirty-seven in-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with male perpetrators of intimate partner violence to inform development of the family violence social marketing strategy (FVSMS). The FVSMS…

‘I’m not an orphan’: Melinda Marjoram and Christa Fouche examine children’s perspectives on experiences in a residential care setting

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 22-27.Internationally there has been a decline in the use of residential care as a placement option for children in need…

Awareness and emotions: Nicki Weld applies emotional intelligence theory to social work and supervision

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 4-7. A fundamental area of social work and supervision is emotions and the way we work with our own and…

Working together to support families: Sally Moffatt discusses collaborative relationships from an early childhood education perspective

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 17-21. The Intervening Early Programme (IEP) is an early childhood education support programme for families with young children who are…

Small is good: Sue Hanna and Peter Topzand explore co-working relationships between professionals as a form of collaboration and pro-social modelling in child protection practice

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 13-16. Collaboration is a word frequently applied to describe the functioning of teams, and interdisciplinary work between teams and between…

Assisting risk assessment work: Tony Stanley discusses the Risk Estimation System in practice with social workers

Social Work Now, Issue 35, pages 8-12.Risk assessment and its management are pivotal components of child protection social work today (Appleton & Craig, 2006). In a…

Literacy-related Barriers to Employment

Three pieces of work relating to literacy and literacy support amoung and directed at jobseekers. It includes: "Adult Literacy interventions 2001/2002 to 2003/2004: Monitoring report";  "Literacy in Taranaki (LIT)…