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385 results in multiple government agencies

In a Place I Call My Own: Support Networks of Older People Ageing in the Community

This report is based on interviews with older people who face significant challenges living in a place they all their own. It tells the stories of…

The Campaign for Action on Family Violence. Effective social marketing: complex issues and innovative practice

Family violence is a significant social problem in New Zealand causing poor economic, social and health outcomes for victims and witnesses of violence. The economic cost…

Effectiveness of Youth Court Supervision Orders: Measures of Re-offending

This research reports on the effectiveness of Youth Court supervision orders in reducing the frequency and seriousness of re-offending. It was conducted to provide information on…

Te Hohounga: Mai I Te Tirohanga Māori – The Process of Reconciliation: Towards a Māori View - The Delivery of Conduct Problem Services to Māori

Te Hohounga: Mai I Te Tirohanga Māori – The Process of Reconciliation: Towards a Māori View - The Delivery of Conduct Problem Services to Māori (Te…

Tagging and graffiti consultation (2009)

A report on the findings of a consultation with young people on their attitudes and experiences with tagging. Findings are presented in relation to three broad…

Youth in Employment in Auckland consultation for Work and Income (2009)

Youth unemployment is a priority area for Government. Young people need as much opportunity and assistance to help them find employment as possible. In the current…

Working with young people

Social Work Now, Issue 42, pages 5-11. Working with young people is tremendously rewarding. Few professional areas of social work provide the kind of practice potential…

Improving interventions to reduce violent offending by young people in New Zealand

Social Work Now, Issue 42, pages 18-23. Young people who commit violent offences damage their victims, the community, their families and themselves. This article summarises work…

Supporting the rights of young people in youth justice: An analysis of cross-sectoral responses

Social Work Now, Issue 42, pages 24-29. The topic of human rights, particularly the rights of people who commit offences against others, generates intense and sometimes…

A balanced approach to youth justice: Strengths-based practice, appreciative inquiry and the group consult tool

Social Work Now, Issue 27, pages 30-36. Youth justice practitioners are well aware of a tension between practice approaches that elicit strengths and resources of young…