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385 results in multiple government agencies

Delivering Social Services Every Day

Social services are working more and more collaboratively to deliver services to New Zealanders. This occurs throughout the sector, from frontline NGOs delivering services on behalf…

Effective Parenting Programmes: A review of the effectiveness of parenting programmes for parents of vulnerable children

This report reviews the evidence on the effectiveness of parenting programmes, as a way of reducing the risk of maltreatment of vulnerable children aged 0-6 years.…

Household Incomes in New Zealand: trends in indicators of inequality and hardship 1982 to 2013

The Household Incomes Report provides information on the material wellbeing of New Zealanders as indicated by their household incomes from all sources from 1982 to 2013.The…

Family Violence Indicators: Can national administrative data sets be used to measure trends in family violence in New Zealand?

Good quality, reliable outcome indicators can be used to monitor trends, identify emerging problems, create awareness, guide legislative and policy reforms, and ensure adequate provision of…

Residence regulatory inspection summary reports

Every year, internal auditors report on the care provided at Child, Youth and Family residences. The reports detail where we’re achieving a high standard, and more…

What does bullying look like in Wellington?

New research explores the issue of bullying in the Wellington suburbs of Newtown, Berhampore, Kilbirnie and Strathmore. Skylight Trust talked with 65 kids and 6 adults to find…

Convention Coalition Monitoring Youth Report 2013

This report, relating to the individual experiences of disabled youth, outlines one half of the activities undertaken by The Convention Coalition in 2013, regarding The Disability…

Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programmes in Schools for Years 7–13

International evidence reviews have indicated that school-based relationship violence prevention programmes are one of the few strategies with proven evidence for preventing intimate partner violence. The…

Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programmes in Schools for Years 7–13

International evidence reviews have indicated that school-based relationship violence prevention programmes are one of the few strategies with proven evidence for preventing intimate partner violence. The…

Conduct Problems: Effective Programmes for Adolescents by the Advisory Group on Conduct Problems

This report was prepared by the Advisory Group on Conduct Problems (AGCP) on the prevention, treatment and management of conduct problems in adolescence.The AGCP was established…