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417 results in multiple government agencies

Stepfamilies and Resilience

This report describes a study of stepfamilies in which the perspectives on relationships and wellbeing in stepfamilies were obtained from children, parents, stepparents, non-resident parents and…

Developing a More Positive School Culture to Address Bullying and Improve School Relationships

This report was commissioned by the Ministry of Social Development to help implement Action Area Four of New Zealand’s Agenda for Children, which aims to address…

The Effects of the Accommodation Supplement on Market Rents - Working Paper 02/04

This working paper investigates the effects of the Accommodation Supplement on market rents. Analysis is undertaken by Infometrics, who have updated the econometric model of market…

Outcomes Based Funding (OBF) Pilots Final Evaluation Report

This report presents the findings from the evaluation of the OBF pilots and the implications of those findings for a future application of this approach. The…

Achieving Effective Outcomes in Youth Justice

Achieving Effective Outcomes in Youth Justice is a cross-departmental research project aimed at identifying factors associated with effective outcomes in the youth justice system and assessing…

Evaluation of the Training Incentive Allowance Phase One and Phase Two

Phase One It utilises data from the MSD administrative databases to provide high level descriptive information about how TIA is being targeted to clients, how TIA…

Raising Children in New Zealand: Patterns of Family Formation and Change in New Zealand

Over the past 50 years, there have been major changes across the developed world in the fundamental processes that shape families – the formation, dissolution and…

Social Report Indicators for Low Incomes and Inequality: Update from the 2004 Household Economic Survey

This incomes analysis is based on data from Statistics New Zealand’s Household Economic Survey (HES). It provides an update of the low-incomes and inequality indicators to…

Children and Young People: Indicators of Wellbeing in New Zealand 2004

This was published in December 2004. This report presents 35 indicators of the social wellbeing of children and young people in New Zealand. The indicators capture…

When Debt Becomes a Problem: A Literature Study

This literature study gathers and synthesises information on household debt problems from national and international literature. Its aim was to: review the literature so as to…